IATI Members' Assembly 2019
Past eventIATI Members' Assembly 2019 took place in Brussels on 11-12 September, with pre-meetings on 10 September. The meeting invited members of IATI and observers to join.
The Members’ Assembly is formed of all members of IATI, and meets in person once a year. Our members fund the initiative, ensuring IATI can continue implementing its work to improve global transparency.
With a generous offer of hosting by the European Commission this year, the Members' Assembly 2019 took place in Brussels, Belgium. Meetings were held in two venues:
- 10 September: European Investment Bank offices and European Commission VM-2 building
- 11-12 September: European Commission VM-2 building
Logistical note
All information about the meeting venue, security, timings and other key information are detailed in the IATI Members' Assembly 2019 - Logistical Note (updated on 28 Aug).
The participants who attended the Members' Assembly 2019 can be found in IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Final Participants list
Papers EN
Minutes Members' Assembly 2019
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Final IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Final Agenda - updated version on 12 Sept
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Final IATI Members Assembly IATI 2019 - update version on 11 Sept
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IATI MA 2019 Final Agenda
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Partner Country Caucus FINAL agenda
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IATI Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025
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IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Discussion Paper: IATI Strategic Plan Results Framework
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IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Paper: Strengthening the IATI Community to Maximise Impact
(PDF 173.2 KB) -
Financial Update Year 6 Members' Assembly 2019
(PDF 827.6 KB) -
IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Paper: Secretariat Technical Update
(PDF 159.9 KB)
Papers FR
Projet d’ordre du jour AM 2019
(PDF 135.9 KB) -
Projet d’ordre du jour - Réunion du groupe de pays partenaires
(PDF 103.5 KB) -
IATI Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025 FR
(PDF 1.9 MB) -
IATI Members Assembly 2019 Results Framework Paper FR
(PDF 246.2 KB) -
IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Paper: Strengthening the IATI Community to maximise impact FR
(PDF 129.9 KB) -
Board Paper IATI Year 6 Financial Update FR
(PDF 419.1 KB) -
IATI Members' Assembly 2019 Paper: Secretariat Technical Update FR
(PDF 138.5 KB)
Presentations - Board and Secretariat
Introduction to IATI presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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IATI Strategic Plan 2020-25 presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Data Use Task Force presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Strengthening the IATI Community to maximise impact presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Workplan and Finance presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Technical Update presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Datastore and Validator presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
(PDF 2.1 MB)
Presentations - Members
Catalpa presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Development Gateway presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Development Initiatives update on the Grand Bargain Transparency Workstream IATI MA 2019.pdf
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DevResults presentation IATI MA 2019 .pdf
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EU Aid Explorer presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Food and Agriculture Organization presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Nepal_AIMS presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Open Works presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Publish What You Fund Introduction to the Index IATI MA 2019.pdf
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USAID presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
(PDF 407.0 KB)
Presentation - Observers
Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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CADFO presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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IATI Research Competition for Journalists winner presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Kenya's Roadmap on access to information and open data IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Open Works presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
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Publish What You Fund’s humanitarian user needs project presentation IATI MA 2019.pdf
(PDF 944.8 KB) -
Publish What You Fund Introduction to the Index IATI MA 2019.pdf
(PDF 800.8 KB)
Additional information
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the IATI Secretariat. E-mail: [email protected]