You are viewing VERSION 2.02 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
You are viewing VERSION 2.02 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
This is the reference page for the XML element planned-disbursement
The planned disbursement element should only be used to report specific planned cash transfers. These should be reported for a specific date or a meaningfully predictable period. These transactions should be reported in addition to budgets - which are typically annual breakdowns of the total activity commitment.
This element may occur any number of times.
Whether this is an original plan (prepared when the original commitment was made) or has subsequently been revised.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
This value must be on the BudgetType codelist.
The purpose of planned-disbursement is to describe any predefined payment schedule.
Planned disbursements should relate to an actual transfer of funds.
Planned disbursements do not replace the activity-budget.
Example planned-disbursement
for an iati-activity
This element is a parent for other child elements.
The @type
attribute declares a valid code (1) from the BudgetType codelist.
<planned-disbursement type="1">
Note: If omitted, then BudgetType code 1 (Original) is assumed.
Full example with all child elements:
<period-start iso-date="2014-01-01" />
<period-end iso-date="2014-12-31" />
<value currency="EUR" value-date="2014-01-01">3000</value>
<provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" type="10" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">
<narrative>Agency B</narrative>
<receiver-org receiver-activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234" type="23" ref="AA-AAA-123456789">
<narrative>Agency A</narrative>
Note: multiple planned disbursements are expressed by repeating the planned-disbursement
The attribute @last-updated
was removed.
The attribute @type
was added.
A description was added to this element
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