The IATI Standard
There are three key components to the IATI Standard:
The activity standard is designed for reporting the details of individual aid activities. An activity is defined by the reporting organisation – depending on who is reporting, it might be a large programme, a small project or another logical grouping of work and resources.
The organisational standard is designed for reporting the total future budgets of organisations and forward planning budget data for recipient institutions and countries.
The IATI codelists are key to making IATI activity and organisation data from different publishers comparable. Numerical codes are used to represent many standard values in an IATI file – for example, organisation types such as “Government” or “National NGO”. Standard sector codes and organisational identifiers are also supported.
Inside The Activity Standard
What information is inside an IATI activity file?
The activity standard is the most widely used part of IATI. A reporting organisation will typically produce one IATI activity file per country or geographical region.
The standard supports around 40 different fields, referenced by standard codelists, and designed to capture information about many different kinds of aid activities.
There are 3 ways to explore the IATI activity standard:
- Walkthrough of the IATI activity standard
- IATI activity standard master reference table (technical users)
- IATI activity standard XSD schema file (software developers)
Inside The Organisation Standard
What information is inside an IATI organisation file?
The organisation standard is used to describe a single organisation (such as a donor, foundation, agency, or NGO) involved in aid work. It is designed to report forward-looking aggregate budget information for the reporting organisation, and planned future budgets to recipient institutions or countries.
There are 3 ways to explore the IATI organisation standard:
- Walkthrough of the IATI organisation standard
- IATI organisation standard master reference table (technical users)
- IATI organisations standard XSD schema file (software developers)
Inside The IATI Codelists
What are IATI Codelists?
The IATI codelists ensure activity and organisation information is comparable between different publishers. The codes use existing authority lists where possible and build on codes published by the ISO, OECD DAC, COFOG and Guidestar.
There are 3 ways to explore the IATI codelists:
- IATI codelist introduction and usage notes
- Index of IATI codelist tables (technical users)
- IATI codelists in XML format (software developers)