Community Support
There are several ways that the IATI community can communicate, support and develop IATI:
Knowledge Base
Have a question about publishing or using IATI-formatted data?
We recommend the Knowledge Base to find answers from IATI staff and members of the wider IATI community.
Want to receive updates about IATI?
Join the IATI Announcement mailing list. This is a broadcast channel only for latest news on the standard and is particularly important for publishers and anyone building applications that use IATI data.
The latest version of the TAG e-newsletter is available online.
Technical discussions list
If you’d like to get involved in more detailed technical discussions, you should also join the IATI Technical Mailing list. This is a Google Group that any member can post to. members can set preferences to receive all emails, or digests.
The IATI TAG also have a twitter account, posting updates to the standard. Follow us @iati_tag
Support from the Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
The IATI TAG Secretariat are available to offer technical and data support to organisations that are implementing IATI.
Please email Mandy Burrows ([email protected]) or post a query in the Knowledge Base if you have any questions or would to arrange a meeting.