Activity geography
Last updated on September 19, 2019. View changes
Activity geography
Each activity published to IATI must specify where the activity is taking place, or the place that will benefit from the activity. This can include the countries or regions (e.g. Senegal or West Africa), as well as specific sub-national locations. The more specific the geographic data, the more useful it becomes for data users.
Uses of country, region and location data
Publishing relevant countries and regions allows data users to analyse the resources coming into a specific area, and what work is happening and is planned in that country or region. It allows data users to disaggregate financial data published to IATI, and to see which organisations are working in which countries or regions.
Location data provides more context about an activity, such as the names of specific sub-national regions benefiting from the activity. Many partner-country governments and civil society organisations find this particularly useful for assessing which communities are benefiting from activities. It also gives them the opportunity to contact an organisation active in a certain location. Geo-coordinates allow activities to be plotted onto maps, which can then show the breadth and locations of activities published to IATI.
IATI countries and regions
Find out what country and region information can be added to activity files. This covers details of what can be published at activity level, and what can be published at transaction level.
IATI sub-national locations
Find out what sub-national location information can be added to activities. This includes specifying beneficiaries, and detailed information about where they are based.