We’ve relaunched our website
You may have noticed that we have made some improvements to the design and layout of our website over the past few weeks. We felt it was time to give you a cleaner, easier-to-navigate site, now that the final standard has been agreed (back in February) and the implementation schedules published.
You’ll be able to see all the latest news and developments with IATI as soon as you land on our site.
The implementation page is new. It allows you to track all IATI signatories’ progress on publishing their data. The implementation table shows you signatories time frames for publishing their data, in addition to containing these downloadable documents so you can view them for yourself. Initial and subsequent implementation dates are outlined in the last two columns. You can also view our new Publishing IATI: The Road to Busan graphic, which shows you visually how each signatory is holding up to their publication promises.
Our page for partner countries, that is aid recipient countries, explains why IATI is important for them, outlining the potential benefits of endorsing the initiative. You can also read about our partner countries experiences of the need for more transparent aid on this page.
Our resources and key documents are now all in one place on our resources page. Here you can find documents relating to IATI’s background, process, progress, evidence base and relationship with stakeholders. We’ve divided it into the following themes:
- Background
- Implementation
- The IATI Standard
- IATI Users
- Communications
- Evidence
You can find past documents that reflect the various design and decision-making stages of IATI in our archive section. You’ll also find all past Steering Committee and TAG meeting minutes and meeting documents in the archive.
We’ve incorporated a new IATI standards page and an IATI data page into the redesign. On the standards page you can find information telling you why we need a standard, what the standard consists of and detailing its three separate components. The data page gives you details about what IATI data actually consists of, what you can do with it, where you can find it and how it is published and shared.
Have a look around – we feel that the site is very much improved and we hope you agree. We welcome any feedback, so if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.