Submit bid to provide IATI data publishing tool
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) has published a Request for Proposals (RfP) to provide an online IATI data publishing tool.
The publishing tool will enable organisations to publish their data on development and humanitarian activities according to the IATI Standard and convert their files into the XML format required to make the data machine-readable.
Currently IATI does not provide its own publishing tool, and organisations rely on a range of external tools to publish their data or build their own bespoke systems.
The new IATI publishing tool will be free to use and should be simple, intuitive and aligned with the IATI schema and rulesets so there is as little confusion as possible for publishers. It should also make use of the IATI Validator and check the data before publication.
Please see the United Nations Global Marketplace website for all details and note the extended deadline of 25 October 2021 to submit a proposal.