Scheduled downtime for the IATI Registry on Thursday 23 June
The IATI Registry will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Thursday 23 June and will be unavailable from 19:00 – 23:00 UK time. During this time, the website will not be browsable and the API will be offline.
This will mean that IATI publishers will not be able to register new datasets or view/edit dataset metadata. However, publishers will still be able to amend the IATI data they’ve already published and all existing data will remain available during this time (as the Registry merely stores URL links to publishers’ data).
This upgrade will not result in any changes to the way that users currently interact with the IATI Registry and, once complete, all data will be preserved. The purpose of this behind-the-scenes upgrade is ensure that users are able to benefit more quickly from new features when they are added, by bringing us into line with other underlying software (CKAN).
The IATI Technical Team will be working closely with our suppliers to ensure that this upgrade goes smoothly.
If you require further information, please do get in touch with us by emailing the IATI Technical Team on [email protected].