Reminder: one month until IATI Standard Version 1 is deprecated
We strongly recommend that all version 1 datasets are transitioned to version 2, so that the data conforms to the stricter rules that are in place in version 2
As agreed at the IATI Members Assembly 2018, version 1 of the IATI Standard is being deprecated. We are now less than one month away from the deprecation date of 30 June 2019.
What does this mean?
Following the deprecation date, version 1 will no longer be supported. This means the rules and guidance of version 1 of the IATI Standard will not be updated outside of any essential security updates. However it does not mean that the Reference site pages for Version 1 will be discontinued or the data published to version 1 will be deleted.
What will happen to data published in version 1?
After the deprecation date:
- All version 1 data will continue to be available via the IATI Registry
- d-portal will continue to use version 1 data. However this will be reviewed as part of developing a long-term plan for the tool later in the year.
- Version 1 data will still be accessible via the existing IATI Datastore, until it is discontinued (currently slated for the end of 2019)
- Version 1 data will not be accepted into the new IATI Datastore once it is launched later this year
Transitioning from version 1 to version 2
We strongly recommend that all version 1 datasets are transitioned to version 2, so that the data conforms to the stricter rules that are in place in version 2, and can be accessed via the new Datastore, once available.
Since the deprecation of version 1 was announced, the IATI technical team has been in contact with all publishers who still have at least one file published using version 1 and has assisted many of these in fully transitioning their data into version 2. These publishers include:
- Asian Development Bank
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- African Initiatives
- BBC Media Action
The vast majority of publishers which still have files published in version 1 use a publishing tool such as AidStream to create and host their data, and the process to transfer AidStream data from version 1 to version 2 is a very simple one.
If your organisation has created its own bespoke process for publishing IATI data, then it will need to be upgraded by implementing the schema changes which can be found on the IATI Standard reference pages. When making the change, do ensure that your organisation understands the changes in data that are required and make necessary adjustments to the systems used to collect and process data internally.
Regardless of which tool you are using to publish IATI data, please contact [email protected] and the IATI technical team will be happy to provide assistance.