Pilot projects to follow up Malawi and Burkina scoping studies
Following on from previous scoping studies in Malawi and Burkina Faso, the IATI standards design team is now planning proof of concept pilot studies in Malawi and Burkina as well as Colombia, Congo DRC, Rwanda and Sri Lanka. There will also be a paper-based study based on needs of Cambodia’s CDC (Council for the Development of Cambodia) system.
The initial scoping studies focused on
- Validating the aid information needs of partner countries
- Identifying the current barriers to accessing aid information
- Assessing feasibility of optimising the reporting processes between development partners and national authorities through automated data exchange
The follow-on proof of concept pilots will test the viability of practical information exchange between donor systems and partner governments’ systems. There will be an opportunity for partner countries to help:
- shape the design of IATI’s proposed standards, tools and formats, and
- assess the impact on existing systems and processes
The IATI team hopes to work with between three and five donors and Government ministries in each country, including ministries responsible for aid management and budget management, as well as line ministries where possible. DFID and UNDP have agreed to provide aid information from their systems and to test data feeds with country aid information management systems. We hope to get other donors involved.
The pilots will take place from April 2010 onwards. The intention is to complete at least three of the pilots by June 2010 so that their findings and recommendations can feed into the finalisation of the IATI standards in time for the July 2010 Steering Committee meeting.
More Information
Click on the links to view the IATI Data Exchange Proof of Concept paper or the ‘IATI Country Pilots Scoping Exercise Findings.
If you need more information, or your organisation would like to get involved in the pilot studies please contact Technical Advisory Group representatives Simon Parrish [email protected], or Danila Boneva [email protected] at UNDP. Anyone from donor organisations who would like to get involved should contact Romilly Greenhill [email protected]