No rest for the TAG
With the first phase of the standard put to bed, the Technical Advisory Group is busier than ever. It has an important role to play to ensure that the standard is implemented and Phase Two consultation is only a couple of months away.
Implementing the Standard
The standard, together with its xml schemas, code lists and user guides, will be published online by the end of August. A glossary of formal definitions is also being prepared for consultation with members and a guide for users of IATI data is in the pipeline. A support package, including site visits, is being prepared to assist those donors committed to implementing IATI this year. The experience gained in this work will be converted into an IATI implementation plan and guide for those following in the New Year. The IATI Registry is also in development and a trial version will be published in October.
Preparing for Phase Two and beyond
The next TAG workshop takes place in October and consultation papers on a range of topics are in preparation. Outstanding issues include organisation identifiers, multi-funded activities, related activities, total activity costs, budget alignment, geocoding, aid effectiveness indicators, outputs and results, conditionality, budgets and planned disbursements, project documentation. If you have not been approached and are interested in contributing to the work on any of these issues your contribution will be most welcome.
The October Workshop will also be an important milestone in advancing the work on Licensing and the Framework for Implementation (previously known as the Code of Conduct) as both these workstreams are due to be completed by the end of the year.