New report highlights G7’s commitment to IATI
A new report on the G7’s progress on international development has highlighted its members’ commitment to IATI.
Published ahead of the two-day G7 summit starting today at Ise-Shima, Japan, the report reviews all members’ contributions on aid effectiveness and specifically highlights the commitment made to IATI by Canada and the UK.
The report notes that Canada took the lead, along with the UK and other IATI members, in refining the DAC Creditor Reporting System (CRS) purpose codes in order to facilitate the inclusion of aid data into country public accounts (‘Aid on Budget’).
The report also celebrates the UK Department for International Development’s (DFID) status as the first organisation to publish aid information to the IATI Standard in 2011 as well as the steps they have taken to require civil society and private sector organisations receiving DFID funding to publish open, transparent data to the IATI Standard.
Progress from all G7 members was also mentioned in the report, through their active participation in the Global Partnership for Effective Cooperation (GPEDC), which is responsible for monitoring the delivery of the 2011 Busan Partnership Agreement. All G7 nations signed up to the agreement to implement a ‘common, open standard for electronic publication of timely, comprehensive and forward-looking information on resources provided through development co-operation’.
Since then, IATI has played a central role in driving up the quality of development data through providing statistics monitoring this commitment to the GPEDC. Information on the progress of all IATI publishers, including the G7 countries, on data quality can be found on IATI’s Dashboard.
Read the full Ise-Shima G7 Progress Report here.