New papers on IATI and the CRS and AAA
Two new papers are now available from the International Aid Transparency Initiative, showing the role and relationship of the initiative in two major parts of development aid architecture.
The Relationship between IATI and the Accra Agenda for Action
This paper maps the key commitments to transparency in the Accra Agenda for Action, illustrating where implementing the IATI standard enables donors to deliver on their Accra commitments. Further, it goes on to highlight where IATI goes beyond Accra, on the basis of the widespread consultation with users of aid information, especially stakeholders in partner countries.
Download The Relationship Between IATI and the AAA paper.
The Relationship between IATI and the CRS Plus
This paper highlights the complementary relationship between IATI and the CRS plus, outlining the purpose of the approach of IATI and the CRS Plus, illustrating the differences and how they complement each other in the needs they are both meeting.
Download The Relationship between IATI and the CRS Plus paper.
There is a further paper which you may find interesting in this context; Complementary roles for the OECD-DAC Creditor Reporting System and the International Aid Transparency Initiative.