NEW IATI Standard Humanitarian Guidance
IATI has launched new guidance on publishing data on humanitarian crises using the IATI Standard. The new guidance follows a consultation on Standard guidance with IATI’s community.
Humanitarian Guidance
Publishers are now able to read and follow a comprehensive guidance document on how to publish humanitarian data, including relevant IATI elements and attributes. This guidance is intended to help with the alignment and import of humanitarian IATI data into UN OCHA’s Financial Tracking Service (FTS), as well as meeting Grand Bargain transparency commitments. IATI encourages all organisations who publish IATI data to follow the guidance and share it with their networks.
IATI community consultation
The IATI Standard Humanitarian Guidance Review consultation took place between October and November 2020. As with previous IATI guidance reviews, the IATI community was invited to provide feedback on the draft guidance document. The IATI Technical Team reviewed incoming feedback and held two webinars to identify areas requiring further detail such as where community members held conflicting views in interpreting the draft guidance , and to outline recommended use of the guidance. Following the webinars, the IATI Technical Team updated the guidance to address feedback received through the consultation process, and shared the final version with the community via IATI Connect.
For any questions or comments on the guidance documents, please email the IATI Technical Team: [email protected] or post a message on IATI Connect.
Next steps
The IATI Secretariat continually reviews and updates its guidance to publishers to ensure it meets its user needs. Please continue to support this ongoing guidance review work by responding to calls through IATI Connect and our regular IATI Community newsletter (sign-up below) for additional information. As per our guidance management processes, we also welcome suggestions from the community on improving or updating our guidance materials.