Initiative for Open Ag Funding launched!
InterAction and its partners have launched a new Initiative for Open Ag Funding to improve international standards for reporting on funding for food security and agriculture. Their goal is to ensure that those providing funding in this sector have the data they need to make good investment decisions and that those working to improve the effectiveness of these resources have the data they need to hold organisations accountable.
The project will identify current data needs related to agricultural investments and propose relevant changes and extensions to the IATI Standard. InterAction and its partners will then promote the adoption of any updates to the IATI standard by donors, foundations and NGOs, with the aim of increasing the amount of high quality, standardised data publicly available.
InterAction invites organisations to get involved by joining one or both of two new groups: the Initiative for Open Ag Funding’s Community of Practice or the IATI Agriculture Working Group:
- The Community of Practice (CoP) is open to any organisation or individual interested in improving the availability, quality and use of agricultural investment data. This will involve increasing awareness of the need for this data, providing input on what data is needed, and promoting the use of agricultural investment data in decision-making. For additional information on the purpose and objectives of the group, please see the CoP Terms of Reference.
- The IATI Agriculture Working Group is for those wanting to take on a more technical role in improving the IATI Standard for reporting agricultural investments, as well as in the development of relevant tools. As a part of the IATI Technical Advisory Group (TAG), the IATI Agriculture Working Group will play an important role in ensuring that the project’s recommendations have the support of the IATI community. For additional information on the purpose and objectives of this group, please click here.
For more information on the Initiative for Open Ag Funding and how to get involved, please contact David Duffeck from Interaction: [email protected].