IATI Version 2.01 – Iteration 2 announcement
Iteration 2 of the upgrade process for version 2.01 of the IATI Standard is now ready for public scrutiny.
- The latest proposals for the upgrade can be found on the Knowledge Base
- These are best navigated by starting at the Proposal Overview
- Iteration 1 documents have now been moved to a separate forum on the Knowledge Base
We ask that all comments, suggestions, bug reports and other observations are made known to us by Monday 28 July 2014. You can report issues in whichever way you find most convenient – either on the in-built issue trackers within the Knowledge Base or via email to [email protected].
It was agreed at the IATI Steering Committee in March that the end of each of the three planned iterations would act as a punctuation point for Steering Committee members to review the content and formally respond with any substantial objections that they may have. It is important that all objections and possible vetos are clearly articulated well in advance of the October Steering Committee meeting and we ask for members’ cooperation on this matter.
- The timetable for the complete upgrade can be found here
- When the upgrade timetable was first published we did not know the date of the next Steering Committee meeting. This has now been set for 15/16 October 2014. We propose to move the date of the final consultation and the publication of the final version by three weeks. So:
- 08 September – Iteration 3 will be available
- 22 September – consultation closes
- 29 September – final version will be ready
- If there are no objections to this change then the timetable will be updated on 1 July.
New Issues
- While consulting on and preparing for 2.01 we have encountered some new, unexpected issues as we were fixing things. As a result there are some new changes we wish to make as part of the iterative process.
- These are highlighted at the top of the Overview and in the Miscellaneous section.
- Schema changes have been highlighted in this colour-coded table
- Activity Schema
- Organisation Schema (This is still being worked on but will be finished later this week)
- Common Schema
Codelist Changes
- In 2.01, codes that were English strings have been replaced by integers. A mapping of the changes can be seen here
- The Vocabulary codelist has been renamed Sector Vocabulary
- A new, non-embedded codelist for IATI Version has been created
- We have also removed links from within the schema descriptions and moved them into codelists. Developers may find this mapping file a useful alternative
Version 2.01 website
- A development website for version 2.01 is being built but it is not easy for us to make clear all of the changes from 1.04 at this time.
- We have made links to certain parts of the development website from the forum proposal pages to make it eaiser to see the examples but the site as a whole is still under heavy development so please do not rely on all parts of it just yet.
Organisation IDs
- We have mapped existing organisation identifiers that will need to change in version 2.01 against a set of proposed new identifiers.
If you have any questions or comments about 2.01, the information above, or anything else IATI-related please do contact us at [email protected].