IATI upgrade to version 2.02 goes live!
The IATI Standard decimal upgrade to version 2.02 is now live, following a successful consultation with the IATI Community.
This is the fourth decimal implementation and the first since version 2.01 was launched in January this year.
Key highlights in version 2.02 include:
Improved humanitarian reporting
We’ve been working for some time to enable IATI to better capture data on humanitarian crises and v2.02 provides a streamlined framework for daily updates of financial and logistics data to be exchanged automatically between donors, implementing agencies and coordination structures and enables any IATI data user to distinguish funding that has been allocated to ‘humanitarian’ activities and to know to which specific crisis or emergency an activity relates.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
v2.02 also enables publishers to record activities against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and/or targets and indicators. This will further enhance IATI’s capacity to support governments in meeting and monitoring the SDGs at country level.
Over the past three months, the IATI Technical Team at Development Initiatives ran two rounds of consultation on the upgrade, which were well attended by NGOs and donor government publishers, as well as data users. A number of suggestions have been put forward as to how we can improve the upgrade process for all concerned and we look forward to discussions on this at the next Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting.
If you have any questions about publishing or using IATI data please contact the Technical Team via [email protected].
Image credit: European Commission DG ECHO