IATI Steering Committee wraps up in Copenhagen
Three days of intensive discussions, networking and decision-making concluded today as the IATI Steering Committee meeting came to an end. Over 70 participants from partner countries, donor governments, multilaterals and CSOs, came together for their biannual meeting at UN City in Copenhagen.
Kicking off with a get together of partner country government members, who explored using IATI data at national level and how they could make greater use of automatic data exchange, the caucus also looked at their respective experiences using different Aid Information Management Systems (AIMS).
The second day provided an opportunity to discuss some of the bigger issues on the agenda – data quality, the upgrade to version 2.01 of the IATI Standard, governance and the transparency indicator. There were also several showcases for IATI members to share their work – the African Development Bank’s MapAfrica, Sweden’s openaid.se, Denmark’s openaid.dk, Myanmar’s Mohinga, Publish What You Fund’s 2014 Aid Transparency Index, d-portal and the new IATI Speakers’ Kit.
Day three was for decision making – the big news being that members approved the upgrade of the Standard to version 2.01. Members also formed a sub-group to undertake an evaluation of IATI to inform the future direction and structure of the initiative.
All papers relating to the meeting can be found here and official minutes will be available in the next few weeks.