IATI reporting on Hurricane Matthew
Are you an IATI publisher responding to Hurricane Matthew? You can use IATI’s new humanitarian features in version 2.02 of the IATI Standard to tag your spending and activities.
Reporting your activities
For each activity that relates to any humanitarian response to Hurricane Matthew, you should include the following IATI Standard elements:
- Add the Humanitarian marker
Add the humanitarian attribute to the <iati-activity> element to indicate that the activity relates to a humanitarian response or intervention:
<iati-activity humanitarian=”1″ >
- Contributing to the UN Flash Appeal?
If your activity relates to a payment to the UN Flash Appeal for Hurricane Matthew then include the following:
<humanitarian-scope type=”2″ vocabulary=”2-1″ code=”FHTI16″>
<narrative>Hurricane Matthew Flash Appeal 2016 </narrative>
However, contributions or payments to the Flash Appeal should still also be reported directly to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Financial Tracking Service (FTS) in the normal way.
- Include the Related Emergency Details
If the activity relates to the emergency response for Haiti then include the following <humanitarian-scope> element:
<humanitarian-scope type=”1” vocabulary=”1-2” code=”TC-2016-000106-HTI”>
<narrative>Hurricane Matthew October 2016</narrative>
St. Lucia
If it relates to the emergency response for St. Lucia include:
<humanitarian-scope type=”1” vocabulary=”1-2” code=”TC-2016-000106-LCA”>
<narrative>Hurricane Matthew October 2016</narrative>
Please note: if the activity relates to both locations then both <humanitarian-scope> elements should be included.
- Add Related UN Cluster Codes
Adding related UN cluster codes makes the published information much more useful for coordinating an emergency response across a large number of multinational agencies. The cluster codes are assigned by using the sector element and vocabulary 10. If more than one cluster is assigned the sector @percentage attribute should be used, for example:
Examples for ‘Emergency Shelter & NFI’ (code 4) and ‘Health’ (code 7)
<sector vocabulary=”10″ code=”4″ percentage=”50″/>
<sector vocabulary=”10″ code=”7″ percentage=”50″/>
- Add OECD DAC Sector Codes
The appropriate humanitarian five digit OECD DAC sector codes should be added to any IATI activity marked with the ‘humanitarian’ flag (as in point 2 above). Relevant humanitarian five digit DAC sector codes currently range from 72010 to 73010:
<sector vocabulary=”1″ code=”72010″ percentage=”50″/>
<sector vocabulary=”1″ code=”72050″ percentage=”50″/>
- Publish information as quickly as possible
Publishers are encouraged to publish emergency related information to IATI as soon as they possibly can. In fast-onset emergencies it is generally agreed that timeliness is a critical factor in the usefulness of data. Therefore weekly or even daily reporting would improve the availability of useful data.
For more information, see updated guidance on reporting humanitarian emergencies to the IATI Standard or email the IATI Technical Team for further information.