IATI publishing tool CSV2IATI to be decommissioned
The IATI Technical Team would like to give advance notice that we plan to decommission the CSV2IATI publishing tool.
For several years, a number of organisations have relied on CSV2IATI to publish information on their development activities to IATI, using the tool to convert their CSV files into IATI XML data. However, feedback from users tells us that CSV2IATI is struggling to cope with converting files from an increasing number of IATI publishers, with a rapidly expanding volume of data. Additionally, the tool was built in such a way that it is now difficult to update it in line with changes to the IATI Standard.
With the emergence of new tools and publishing solutions, we’re working closely with a range of providers to ensure CSV2IATI users have better options to generate their IATI XML data in the future.
We’ll support every single user to move to a more advanced CSV conversion tool
We want to reassure you that we will not to turn off CSV2IATI until we know every user has moved to a more advanced CSV conversion tool, or has successfully established their own bespoke solution to IATI publishing.
In due course, we will communicate a clear timetable and process for supporting all IATI publishers currently using CSV2IATI.
New IATI publishers are encouraged to start using alternative options
We will be advising all new IATI publishers to consider other options before setting up publication through CSV2IATI.
We will be in touch with affected publishers soon with further information, but in the meantime if you have any questions or comments, do contact us at [email protected].