IATI namechecked in Financing for Development
The revised draft of the outcome document for the Addis Ababa Financing for Development (FfD) conference has been released and includes strong wording on transparency, and a specific reference to IATI in paragraph 117:
We recognize that greater transparency is essential, and can be achieved by publishing timely, comprehensive and forward–looking information on development activities in a common, open, electronic format, as appropriate. Access to reliable data helps governments to make informed decisions, and enables all stakeholders to track progress, understand trade-offs, and creates mutual accountability. We will learn from and strengthen existing initiatives and open data standards, such as International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). We further recognize the importance of national ownership of the post-2015 development agenda, and we stress the importance of preparing country needs assessments for the different needs and priority areas that would allow for greater transparency and efficiency of implementation by linking needs and support, in particular in developing countries.
Many thanks to all of those members who have promoted IATI in their individual statements within the FfD drafting sessions, including partner countries, providers of development cooperation and CSOs.
We very much hope that members will continue to champion IATI within the FfD process, and ensure that it remains positively referenced in the final outcome document.
Meanwhile, we are working on a proposal for a side event on global data standards at the Addis Ababa conference in July, and will share details as our plans develop.