IATI Country Pilots
In order to test the proposals for the IATI standard, the IATI TAG secretariat undertook four pilot missions during May and June to Malawi, DRC, Rwanda and Colombia. They also conducted a desk-based study based on the Cambodia AIMS. Two additional pilots will be undertaken in Burkina Faso and Sri Lanka and are due to be completed in July.
The pilots have been very successful and worthwhile revealing that:
The country pilots have successfully proved the IATI concept that it is possible to get data from multiple donor systems, covert it into one common standard format (the IATI format) and automatically exchange with multiple country systems, thus reducing transaction costs and achieving economies of scale.
The pilots also re-confirmed the previous analysis undertaken within the IATI consultations in 2009 with partner countries on the key challenges and information needs of partner countries, which are for more detailed, timely information on current and future aid flows and the need for a robust implementation framework at the global level, which will ensure regular and more comprehensive reporting by donors, NGOs and other providers of assistance.
Download the Draft IATI country pilots synthesis report here