IATI Community is moving to Discuss!
We’re pleased to announce that all online discussion and consultation with the IATI Community will be moving to our forum, Discuss.
IATI Discuss will be the new home for IATI Standard consultations and remain the place for all other discussion topics. The change will take effect from Monday 24th October.
I’ve never used IATI Discuss before
IATI Discuss is an excellent forum to ask questions and share new ideas, events and projects about IATI. You can also keep up-to-date with useful announcements from our Technical Team, Secretariat and Governing Board. It’s quick and easy to create a new account or simply use an existing login:
What will happen to old IATI Standard management discussions?
We’ll be moving our existing IATI Standard management threads section (below) to IATI Discuss. All your valuable comments will be saved in a read-only, searchable archive and open consultations will link through to our new Standard Management forum in Discuss.
New IATI Consultations Archive on IATI Discuss:
How can I comment on new IATI Standard consultations?
IATI’s Technical Team will post all new consultations to our Standard Management forum in Discuss. You will be able to make contributions by signing-in and posting comments under a chosen topic.
Why the change?
We wanted the IATI Community to share information and chat to one another in one place. As IATI Discuss is used far more than our existing Consultations section, we chose it as our new preferred forum. Users will benefit from Discuss being:
- More responsive: it’s a modern platform with a better search facility and performance;
- More flexible: users can use wysiwyg, markdown, or html to format their posts;
- More accommodating: posts can be linked more easily to other tools such as Github.
Further information…
Post further questions and comments about the change on IATI Discuss, or email the IATI Technical Team.