IATI and the Bogotá High Level Forum
IATI and the Bogotá High Level Forum
In March, IATI was invited to participate in a Round Table discussion on South –South Cooperation Platforms and Information Management during the High Level Event on South-South Cooperation, hosted by the Colombian Government in Bogotá on 24th-26th March. George Gelber from the aidinfo team represented IATI, and a new briefing note on IATI and South-South Cooperation was circulated in advance. This paper stressed long history and significant scale of South-South Cooperation, and noted the growing interest in improved reporting of it. The paper outlined the advantages of IATI’s approach to Southern providers of development cooperation, and highlighted a number of ways in which they could become involved in the initiative. A number of participants expressed interest in learning more about IATI, and the team will be following up with individual contacts in the coming months.