Guinea joins MA 2017 as IATI’s 30th partner country member
The government of Guinea has become IATI’s 30th partner country member and will be joining next week’s Members’ Assembly in Rome.
Guinea is hoping to benefit from advice and expertise from other partner country members on how to make the best use of IATI data. Currently, information on over 3,000 development projects in the country have been published to IATI’s Standard.
Guinea first learned about the initiative at a workshop held by UNDP and IATI on data use in in Ghana in 2015. The government say they want to gain improved data on development cooperation coming into the country, in particular on services such as health and education.
A government spokesperson said, “Guinea expects to draw on the best experiences of other countries in aid effectiveness. It wishes to build up a database on aid using the appropriate software.
“Guinea also wants to participate in IATI through all relevant work and principles and is keen to be involved in the development of the initiative.
Guinea joins over 80 IATI members from across the aid, development and humanitarian sectors. More information on these organisations and how to join IATI can be found in our Members’ Assembly section.