Get involved in IATI Data Quality Index consultation
IATI’s community is invited to participate in the first phase of the consultation on IATI’s new Data Quality Index, launched today.
- Read IATI Data Quality Index Background Paper for Consultation and add your feedback at IATI Connect by 6 October 2021 (deadline extended).
About the IATI Data Quality Index consultation
As part of the IATI Strategic Plan (2020-2025), our initiative is committed to supporting organisations to publish the highest quality of IATI data. To help achieve this, we are developing a set of revised data quality measures for all IATI publishers, based on definitions and use cases agreed with our members and community on what good quality IATI data looks like.
we are developing a set of revised data quality measures for all IATI publishers, based on definitions and use cases agreed with our members and community on what good quality IATI data looks like
Who is the consultation for?
This consultation is relevant and open to all IATI community members, including both publishers and data users. We want to ensure that we hear the views of all stakeholder groups including governments, multilateral organisations, development finance institutions, international and national NGOs, and private sector organisations. We also welcome and encourage participation by people with different levels of IATI knowledge.
IATI Data Quality Index Background Paper - feedback by 6 October
The background paper has details of proposed measures for the new IATI Data Quality Index. Feedback is invited through written comments on our community platform, IATI Connect.
Stay updated with consultation
Please visit IATI Connect and click the ‘follow content’ button at the top of the DQI Discussion to stay up to date on any news regarding the launch of this DQI Consultation.
We look forward to your engagement in the consultation! If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].