European Investment Bank publishes to IATI
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has published its first data set on its non-EU operations to the IATI Registry, following its decision to join IATI as a member in October 2013. This first tranche of data includes all contracts signed in 2014 outside the EU (except in EFTA countries). Going forwards, the EIB will report to IATI on a monthly basis, both refreshing existing data and adding new contracts. The EIB Implementation Schedule is also available, which sets out future publishing plans and an overview of the scope of its data, along with a dedicated webpage on all EIB transparency initiatives.
“Publishing IATI data on our activities will enable the European Investment Bank to reinforce our engagement to finance investment that supports development”, said EIB Vice-President, Philippe de Fontaine-Vive, whose responsibilities include transparency. “As Europe’s bank we operate around the world and reporting on our activities based on the IATI standard will improve understanding on the ground and allow more effective financial and technical contribution. This will enable a wide range of development stakeholders who are interested, from public officials in partner countries to civil society, to access information about our activities more easily,” he added.