d-portal’s new search function: Find development and humanitarian activities easily
Looking for IATI data on a particular sector? Want to find activities responding to a specific humanitarian crisis?
Now you can using d-portal’s updated search function.
We’ve updated our online tool to help you search for activities using keywords. So as well as being able to easily access IATI data on a particular country or publisher, you can use our free text search feature.
For example, if you were looking for activities from organisations responding to Hurricane Matthew, simply type “Hurricane Matthew” into the search box on d-portal’s home page. You would then discover all projects that have been published to IATI relating to this crisis:
Or you may want to find out about spending on infrastructure activities in Bangladesh. You would simply select ‘Bangladesh’ from the Recipient Country filter dropdown, ‘Infrastructure’ from the Sector Category filter dropdown, and the relevant years from the Year Range filters, and then hit the ‘Discover Results’ button:
Need more information?
A more detailed guide on using the search function can be found on d-portal’s home page. Otherwise do email our friendly Technical Team for help: [email protected].
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We want to continue meeting the needs of our users. If you have suggestions on how we can improve your experience of accessing and analysing IATI data through d-portal, please get in touch via GitHub.
Start exploring IATI data
Created by IATI and Development initiatives, d-portal.org is a free online tool that helps anyone wanting information on development and humanitarian spending to easily use IATI data.