Commitment made to IATI in Nairobi Outcome Document at HLM2
A renewed commitment to IATI was made by global leaders at the 2nd High Level Meeting for the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (HLM2).
The Nairobi Outcome Document, published at the end of the meeting, includes a commitment from development partners to increase the transparency of development cooperation. The document endorses IATI as an open data standard that development actors can rely on, and also emphasises the need for all actors to increase data use.
Since 2011, IATI publishers have increased from 17 to nearly 500 today, and the value of IATI data is being recognised by Partner countries such as Bangladesh, Liberia, and Myanmar. IATI will continue to work with global development actors to improve data quality and ensure that more countries understand the benefits of using IATI data.
IATI was previously referenced in the transparency commitment made in paragraph 23c of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation 2011 and at the first HLM in 2014, agreed a new Global Partnership Initiative (GPI) that was annexed to the Mexico Communiqué.
Reference to IATI in the Nairobi Outcome Document:
Development partners providing support commit to:
update our institutional architecture, policies and information management systems, as needed, to make development cooperation more transparent, meeting the information needs of development partners receiving support, citizens, and other Global Partnership stakeholders, and relying on open data international standards such as the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), and the statistical standards of the OECD-DAC systems.