CIDA sign up to IATI
Latest news from Busan is that the Canadian International Development Agency just became the 23rd donor to sign the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). The announcement was made by Canada’s Minister for International Cooperation, the Honourable Beverly Oda, on the first day of the Fourth Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.
Canada has been engaged in IATI from the outset, attending Steering Committee meetings as an observer and contributing to the work of IATI’s Technical Advisory Group. CIDA has already taken steps to increase the transparency of its aid under Canada’s Open Government initiative.
By joining IATI, CIDA is taking a further step towards making its aid information more accessible to partner countries, CSOs and citizens. Publication to IATI’s common, open standard, will help all of these stakeholders to find, use and compare this information, allowing them to re-purpose the data to meet a wide variety of individual needs.