Announcement: AidStream is upgrading in April!
A new version of the IATI publishing tool AidStream will replace the existing version during the first week of April 2016.
This means the AidStream website will have a great new look and be easier to use. AidStream have also added new features that users have requested to improve the experience of publishing IATI data.
What do users need to do?
From April 2016, users will publish IATI data through the new version of the AidStream website and have the option of using new features, including:
- CSV bulk activity importer – allowing users to import activities quickly using a standardised template
- v2.02 upgrade support – enabling users to easily upgrade to the new IATI version 2.02
- Reporting organisation generator – providing step-by-step guidance through the generation of identifiers
- Local time zone setting – letting users set and view all events in their time zone
- User logs – keeping a record of who did what (e.g. adding activities, editing, publishing)
- Responsive website – allowing users to browse activities on different devices
- Improved validation – ensuring users never miss any required fields when publishing their organisation’s activities.
Check your data
Before the version change in April 2016, all we ask is for users of AidStream to check if any of their organisation’s data is missing and/or needs correcting on the IATI Dashboard. See our simple step-by-step guide on how to do this.
What help is available when using the new version?
AidStream will be be publishing helpful new user guidance on AidStream to explain the changes and AidStream’s friendly staff can be emailed on [email protected] for further support.
All AidStream users will be contacted with more information about the new AidStream version change shortly, but in the meantime feel free to email AidStream with any questions.