500 IATI publishers reached
Simprints, a non-profit tech company from the University of Cambridge, became the 500th organisation to publish their activities to IATI. This major milestone in transparency has been reached in just under six years, with the UK Department for International Development (DFID) becoming IATI’s first publisher in January 2011.
Since then billions of dollars of development spending has been published to the IATI Standard by a multi-stakeholder community of bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, foundations, private sector and development finance institutions.
This year, IATI has seen one of its steepest rises in publishers, with an increase of one hundred publishers in the last eight months. The boost was partly due to the Dutch Government requiring organisations who receive grants to publish data on their activities to IATI this year.
Thanks to the efforts of IATI publishers, data on thousands of development and humanitarian activities across the world are easier to access, use, and understand. This information can help developing countries better plan their national priorities as well as increasing the accountability of development actors.
IATI will continue supporting its publishers to drive up data quality and work with all stakeholders to increase the use of IATI data, particularly at country level.
For more information on becoming an IATI publisher or using data contact the IATI Technical Team by emailing [email protected].