d-portal is a powerful and user-friendly tool for finding and using IATI data.
Visit d-portald-portal is a development portal that allows you to explore and visualise IATI data on development and humanitarian aid activities. d-portal refreshes daily and takes data directly from the IATI Registry. New publishers should appear on d-portal on the Monday after their first publication.
‘Explore and visualise IATI data on development and humanitarian aid activities’
d-portal is aimed at providing government departments, parliamentarians and civil society organisations in developing countries with information that can help with the planning and monitoring of development activities. It contains current data published to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) as well as the most recent data available in the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Creditor Reporting System.
d-portal is in the process of being made multilingual. You can use the ‘Settings’ option at the top right of your results pages to select one of six languages - English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (simplified) and Hindi. Please note that this is work in progress and not all of the site has been translated.
How can I search for data in d-portal?
There are various ways to search and view IATI data on d-portal. Depending on what information you are looking for, you can filter data by:
- Recipient country
- Publisher
- Sector group
- Sector
- Activity status
- Year range
You can also use multiple filters at the same time. For instance, you can search for ‘Burundi’ and ‘Burkina Faso’, ‘agriculture’ and ‘basic health’. Once you press ‘Search’ d-portal will present you with the total number of projects (called ‘activities’ in IATI). The total number is split by active, ended and planned projects. You will also be presented with information on where the money for the listed projects comes from as well as information on where the money is going by sector. For projects where IATI publishers have given location data, you will also be able to see the locations of these projects on a heatmap.
You can also combine the use of filters with a free text search by typing in the ‘Search’ box.
At the top right of your results pages you can use the ‘settings’ options to alter which currency, language and what 12 month period your results are displayed in.
Here are some examples of the types of questions d-portal can answer. To practise using d-portal and see how it works, you could visit d-portal and find the answers:
- How many projects are taking place in Ghana on water and sanitation (Sector group 140)?
- Name four organisations that are currently working on tackling Ebola in Guinea?
- Find an example of an activity that is happening in the capital of Honduras (Tegucigalpa)
- How much of UNDP funding went to Sierra Leone in 2015 in UK pounds?
- Which government is the original funder of this activity: MW-NBM-R1527-W106?
- According to IATI, which country received the most funding relating to the sector Ending Violence Against Women and Children (Sector 15180)?
- Which two countries received the largest amount of aid as a response to Hurricane Matthew?
If you have further questions about how to search on d-portal, or questions as to why data is not showing please refer to the d-portal FAQ pages.
How can I use data from d-portal?
Once you have found the information you are looking for, you can download data and even generate content for your own website. Developers can also freely use d-portal source code to build their own portals.
Download data into a CSV file
Once you have selected specific filters or done a free text search you will be taken to a page showing the total number of projects/activities for your search. If you click into any of the figures or graphs you will be presented with a table. At the top right of this table, you can press the ‘CSV’ button and download the data.
Location data can be downloaded from heatmaps into a CSV file.
Generate content with IATI data for your website
You can use d-portal Generator to easily create attractive displays of IATI data on your own website or blog posts. The Generator is a free tool that can produce a range of graphs, tables, maps and other visualisations.
The process is simple: you select the data you want and choose how you’d like it displayed. The Generator then produces a line of code you can copy and paste into your own pages.
For more information, see the FAQs about the generator.
As an example, see how the United Nations Development Group uses the d-portal Generator.
Build your own tool that uses IATI data
Because d-portal.org is an open source platform, you can use all aspects of it to build your own portal using the free source code.
The open source concept relies on sharing resources in the hope that others will join in and help improve d-portal. This includes finding and reporting bugs, contributing new features that you'd like the platform to have or even creating new themes. If you would like to contribute new features get in touch with us at get support. We can then discuss how the features could work and what requirements the d-portal developers have for accepting new features.
Who maintains d-portal and who should I contact if I spot issues?
The IATI Secretariat is responsible for the maintenance of d-portal and work directly with two freelance developers who maintain the code.
If you have any queries about how the data is shown in d-portal, or how up-to-date the data is, please see the FAQs or contact the IATI Secretariat.
For questions relating to the data itself, contact the relevant publisher directly. You can find details for all publishers in the IATI Registry.