You are viewing VERSION 1.04 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
You are viewing VERSION 1.04 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
This is the reference page for the XML element receiver-org
The organisation receiving the money from the transaction (if omitted, then the receiver organisation is the reporting organisation).
Machine-readable identification string for the business object being described.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
If the funds are being provided to another activity that is reported to IATI, this should record the unique IATI activity identifier for that activity.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
The full name of the organisation receiving the financial transaction
(providing in the case of loan and interest repayments).:
<receiver-org>Agency A</receiver-org>
The unique Organisation Identifier for the receiver-org
<receiver-org ref="AA-AAA-123456789">Agency A</receiver-org>
If the funds are being provided from another reported iati-activity
, the unique iati-identifier
is included:
<receiver-org ref="AA-AAA-123456789" receiver-activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234">Agency A</receiver-org>
Full example:
<transaction ref="1234">
<value currency="EUR" value-date="2012-01-01">1000</value>
<description>Transaction description text</description>
<transaction-type code="IF" />
<provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">Agency B</provider-org>
<transaction-date iso-date="2012-01-01" />
<disbursement-channel code="1" />
Full example with additional elements which can override the default value set in iati-activity
<transaction ref="1234">
<value currency="EUR" value-date="2012-01-01">1000</value>
<description>Transaction description text</description>
<transaction-type code="IF" />
<provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">Agency B</provider-org>
<transaction-date iso-date="2012-01-01" />
<flow-type code="20" />
<finance-type code="111" />
<aid-type code="A02" />
<tied-status code="5" />
<disbursement-channel code="1" />
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