You are viewing VERSION 1.04 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
You are viewing VERSION 1.04 of IATI Standard Reference View another version
This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
This is the reference page for the XML element location-type
Deprecated since 1.04
The type of location (e.g. “PCL” for a political entity) from the feature designation codes maintained by the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Machine readable code for the entity being described. The value should be available on a related codelist.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
This value must be on the LocationType codelist.
ISO 2 letter code specifying the language of text in this element.
This value should be on the Language codelist.
NB: this element is deprecated in version 1.04
Just the code can be declared
<location-type code="PPL"/>
Additionally the description for this code can be stated
<location-type code="PPL">populated place</location-type>
Where the description is in a language other than the activity default, then this should be declared:
<location-type code="PPL" xml:lang="fr">region peuplee</location-type>
Deprecated in 1.04
The location-type element was deprecated in 1.04. The location-class element should be used instead.
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