Who runs IATI?
Meet the teams that make up IATI’s Governing Board and Secretariat. Both are accountable to IATI members.
Governing Board
The Governing Board takes a leadership role in overseeing the implementation of IATI’s work. The board puts recommendations on key budget and strategic issues to IATI members for final approval.
The Board is made up of seven members representing providers of development cooperation, partner countries and civil society, non-governmental and private sector organisations. The Board also includes one technical representative. The members of the Board appoint IATI’s Chair and Vice Chairs, who chair both the Governing Board and the Members’ Assembly.
Zainab Al-Azzawi
- Chief Organizational Performance, Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- IATI constituency: Provider of development cooperation
Mohamed Gele
- AIMS Manager and Technical Advisor
- Ministry of Planning, Investment & Economic Development (MoPIED), Government of Somalia
- IATI constituency: Partner Country
Motai Ramokoinihi
- Government of Lesotho, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
- IATI constituency: Partner Country
Charlie Martial Ngounou
- IATI Vice-Chair
- Executive President, AfroLeadership
- IATI constituency: Civil society organisation and other
Anand Ramachandran Nair
- Fields Data
- IATI constituency: Civil society organisation and other
Siem Vaessen
- Zimmerman BV
- IATI constituency: Technical Seat
IATI’s Secretariat is responsible for delivering the activities of the initiative, as set by the Governing Board. UNDP hosts the Secretariat and is responsible for IATI’s policy and technology services. UNOPS is the Secretariat’s service provider of the initiative’s legal and operational functions, and Open Data Services is the Secretariat’s technology delivery partner (contracted via UNDP).