IATI is governed openly and democratically, through a number of bodies with different roles and responsibilities.
IATI Governance
The Members’ Assembly
The members’ assembly is formed of IATI members. They include over 100 donor and developing country governments, multilateral institutions, philanthropic foundations plus civil society and private sector organisations. Our members fund essential work of IATI, ensuring our initiative can achieve real change in global transparency.
The assembly approves strategic decisions and changes to IATI's governance. The chair of the governing board is also the chair of the members’ assembly.
The Governing Board
The governing board is made up of seven representatives elected by IATI members. The board presents options and makes recommendations on IATI’s overall strategic direction to the members’ assembly, oversees the implementation of IATI’s workplan by the secretariat and ensures the initiative operates effectively, according to its mission, vision, and values.
The Secretariat
IATI’s Secretariat is responsible for delivering the activities of the initiative, as set by the Governing Board. UNDP hosts the Secretariat and is responsible for IATI’s policy and technology services. UNOPS is the Secretariat’s service provider of the initiative’s legal and operational functions, and Open Data Services is the Secretariat’s technology delivery partner (contracted via UNDP). For further detail on the bodies governing IATI, see the Standard Operating Procedures.
IATI Community
IATI has a broad and diverse community of IATI data publishers and users, including development practitioners, political advocates for transparency, open data experts and technical specialists. This community is structured through our Communities of Practice' and 'Working Groups’. Both bodies work in alignment with each other to provide the Governing Board and the Members’ Assembly with timely advice on a range of matters and ensure the availability of opportunities and fora for systematic exchange and learning.
Standard Operating Procedures
IATI’s Standard Operating Procedures draw together and codify all decisions taken by IATI relating to how the initiative is run. It is intended as a living document which is updated after each members’ assembly to reflect new priorities or operating realities.
The latest version of the Standard Operating Procedures can be downloaded below.