Get Involved
Find out how to join IATI as a member, engage with IATI’s community and access useful resources about the initiative.
IATI community
Engage with our community by joining IATI’s Communities of Practice (COPs) and a new, user-friendly community platform, IATI Connect!
IATI membership
IATI membership lets you publicly signal your commitment to transparency, attend IATI events and have a say in the future of the initiative.
IATI presentation materials
Access presentation materials to raise awareness about IATI, explain the IATI Standard and how to publish or use IATI data.
IATI working groups
Working groups are established to provide expert advice to IATI's members or Governing Board. They are specific and time-bound.
IATI videos
View and share videos that promote IATI and provide helpful information across a range of IATI topics.
Resources from IATI stakeholders
Find a range of training resources created by organisations involved in IATI.