What will traceability look like? Join our discussion now!
Past eventIATI’s community discussion forum, Discuss, is currently hosting an interesting conversation on traceability and we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Steven Flower, co-founder of Open Data Services Co-operative and formerly of the IATI Tech Team, is working with UN-Habitat to investigate traceability and is looking for ideas on how best to follow development cooperation from the original donor through the delivery chain to the intended beneficiary.
The discussion is looking to build on increasing attention and interest in new ways of exploring traceability from the IATI community. For example, recent blogs from Tim Davies and Rolf Kleef have provided interesting new ways of examining IATI data.
Now you can join the discussion and add your views on issues surrounding:
- Why traceability matters?
- What traceability should look like? For example how should networks be visualised?
- How should traceability between publishers be explored? What would this include?
International development is often characterised by long delivery chains; for example, several donors might contribute to a multi-donor trust fund, which contracts an international NGO, which in turn uses a local NGO partner, which hires local contractors to deliver services. Being able to track aid throughout this complex implementation chain is central to achieving transparency, and to improving accountability and effectiveness.
As we approach 400 publishers to IATI, this a good time to reflect on what more we can do to improve traceability and enable users of IATI data to explore how all our publishers’ activities connect and join up. Please help by taking a few moments to share your views here.