Snapshot of progress for the Global Partnership Brussels Planning Workshop
Past eventAt the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) in Mexico in April 2014, IATI members agreed in a Voluntary Initiative annexed to the communique to accelerate progress towards meeting their Busan commitment, encourage others to take similar action to increase transparency, promote greater use of data at country level and undertake a ‘light touch’ assessment of progress earlier in 2015.
This week, a planning workshop of the GPEDC on ‘Strengthening Coordination to Deliver Results’ took place in Brussels, bringing together stakeholders actively involved in Global Partnership undertakings at global level, including the Voluntary Initiative on IATI agreed in Mexico.
A snapshot of the IATI Dashboard taken in preparation for the workshop shows that IATI members are making progress in publishing data that is timely and forward-looking. Specifically, it shows that:
- Just over half of Busan endorsers who publish to IATI are meeting their commitment to timeliness; and
- Around 25% are meeting their commitment to provide forward-looking data.
The Secretariat is working on making data on comprehensiveness available on its Dashboard by the end of January, and on coverage within the coming months. Once this work is finalised, IATI will be able to undertake the proposed light touch assessment on the basis of the Dashboard publishing statistics.
Beyond its members, more than 200 NGOs and 12 private sector consultancies are also publishing to IATI. Of these, over 50 NGOs are publishing at least quarterly data and around 30 NGOs are publishing forward-looking budgets.
In short, we are on the path – but we’ve got our work cut out for us for 2015.
Join us. Publish to IATI. Improve data quality. And if you want to see what can be done with IATI data – or come up with some ideas of your own – get inspired here.