IATI at Busan
Past eventThe 4th High Level Forum on aid effectiveness took place in Busan, South Korea, in November 2011.
On 1st December the final version of Busan Outcome Document was released. This document, entitled ‘Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation’ outlines three important results for aid transparency situated with the aid effectiveness arena. To learn more, read the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation.
We put together an information pack on IATI to distribute at the Forum. You can find electronic versions of all documents contained within the packs on this page. All documents were available in English, with most documents also available in French and Spanish.
Supporting aid transparency
(PDF 943.2 KB) -
Improving countries' access to and use of aid information
(PDF 907.5 KB) -
IATI Delivering at National Level
(PDF 295.6 KB) -
IATI progress report for HLF4, November 2011
(DOC 141.5 KB) -
Mapping IATI to the Accra Agenda for Action
(DOC 108.5 KB) -
The relationship between IATI and the DAC Creditor Reporting System
(DOC 174.0 KB)
Apoyar la transparencia de la ayuda
(PDF 754.4 KB) -
Control del impacto de la ayuda en Colombia
(DOC 1.2 MB) -
Apoyo a la gestión de la ayuda en Rwanda
(DOC 1.5 MB) -
Informe sobre los progresos de la IATI para el HLF4. Noviembre de 2011
(DOC 142.5 KB) -
Apoyo al presupuesto nacional en la República Democrática del Congo
(DOC 281.5 KB) -
La IATI brinda a los países un mejor acceso y uso de la información sobre la ayuda
(DOC 1.3 MB)